Teaching Disclaimer

Self Development Course Only

Please see the waiver, release and assumption of risk notice and medical disclaimer for pendulum dowsing and healing at the bottom of this page before signing up to this course.

This course is provided as a self empowerment and personal development course only and is not a professional certified course for using pendulum dowsing or healing on another person. Never use the pendulum on behalf of another person without verbal consent or as an energy healing method without your own professional liability insurance.

The World is our Medicine Cabinet

We change timelines and transform in every single moment, it's time to make use of the energy and frequencies that surround us and recognise ourselves as the powerful energy healers that we all are.

The ability to transform our energetic space, access inner wisdom and harness the hidden intelligence of the universe has always been our birthright...

... the pendulum just made it so much easier to access.

By connecting in with and commanding your higher self, source or inner archetypes years of family trauma, any neglect or imbalances in your energy or memory system can be cleared in minutes. Limitations, blocks, fears from this or past-lives can be reduced to zero in seconds.

Everything in the universe has a vibrational frequency, learn to match yours and align with abundance, clear self-sabotage, fear of tomorrow and hidden implants and imprints blocking your progress in this timeline.

Once you learn the ability to transmute non-beneficial energy into beneficial the world becomes alive with the possibility and potential of alchemy and magic.

Using the simple techniques I'll be showing you how to repair, restore and regenerate cellular and organ energies, how to test for and transmute blocks in your energy and memory system. 

Clearing blocks in the auric field is a simple process but you need charts, commands and ideas. These will all be provided.

This course will cover ...


Course curriculum

  • 2
    Welcome to the course
    • Welcome to the Course
    • Ethics, Boundaries and Medical Disclaimer
  • 3
    Lesson 1 - Which Pendulum to Use ? A quick guide
    • Circle of Pendulums - Video (10.33)
    • Different Types of Dowsing Devices Chart & Info
    • Dowsing using a picture to find the best pendulum for you
  • 4
    Lesson 2 - How does the pendulum work? What can we connect to?
    • How does a pendulum work and what can we connect into? - Video (10.17)
    • Three Dowsing Exercises - Video (4.46)
    • Dowsing and Healing Ideas using a pendulum - Highly designed flyer for business & teaching purposes
    • The Tools, Why use a pendulum, How does a pendulum work? - PDF (6 pages)
    • Energy Matters, Which energy & List - PDF (3 Pages)
  • 5
    Lesson 3 - Programming the YES/NO & Using the Body as a guidance system
    • Lesson 3 - Programming the YES/NO & Using your body as an inner guidance system - Video (14.17)
    • YES/NO Programming & Dowsing Shapes - PDF (2 pages)
    • Common Dowsing Questions & Answers - PDF (4 pages)
    • Troubleshooting - Commanding Clarity PDF (2 pages)
    • Troubleshooting Dowsing Chart - PDF (1 page)
  • 6
    Lesson 4 - Dowsing Protocols & Laying the Foundations
    • Intro to foundations for safety when dowsing video (2.09)
    • Step by Step guidance on how to prepare for a pendulum dowsing or healing session - video (18.16)
    • Energy Safety & Preparation for a Dowsing or Healing Pendulum Session - checklists & commands (PDF - 16 pages)
  • 7
    Lesson 5 - The Pendulum as a dowsing tool for empowerment
    • Using a 0 - 100% chart for Dowsing & The Faster Healing Method - Video (5.37)
    • How to use charts & Dowsing exercise PDF (3 pages)
    • How to make a chart - my best kept secret for chart making video - (3.57)
    • How not to make a chart - video (2.00)
    • Set of blank charts to use with various sections
  • 8
    Lesson 6: The Pendulum as a healing tool
    • The pendulum as a healing tool - PDF (10 pages)
    • Doing a simple pendulum healing for clearing non-beneficial energy - Video (13.55)
    • Why your words matter - Video (9.29)
    • Clearing toxins and Cellular healing imprinting an apple - Video (7.54)
    • Accessing the healing properties of colour - video (8.47)
    • What are pendulum commands and How to run faster commands to save time - Video (5.59)
    • A set of Day and Night commands
  • 9
    Lesson 7 - Testing frequencies with the pendulum - four examples
    • Using the Bovis Chart - A Dowsers' frequency chart - Video (8.26)
    • Testing Foods for Toxins & Clearing using the Pendulum - Video (17.03)
    • Sending blessings out using words and colour - Video (2.55)
    • Empowerment from within - Clearing energy from your name Video (11.33)
    • Clearing the energy from your name PDF helping guide - (2 pages)
  • 10
    Lesson 8 - Dowsing Lists & Books for healing wisdom & insight
    • How to dowse lists and books - Video (6.08)
    • Dowsing Practice - Dowsing a List - PDF (1 page)
  • 11
    Lesson 9 - Clearing the Auric Field
    • Clearing the Auric Energy Field - Video (19.21)
    • The Auric Fields - Charts, Checklists and Commands for clearing and repairing
  • 12
    BONUS SECTION 1 - Pricing Empowerment
    • Bonus 1 - Pricing Empowerment - Video (4.41)
    • Using the pendulum to price your worth - PDF (1 page)
    • Commands and Exercise for your Business - PDF (2 pages)
  • 13
    BONUS SECTION 2 - Clearing Subonscious Beliefs Fast
    • Clearing Subconscious Beliefs Fast - Video (12.40)
    • Reprogramming subconscious belief patterns - PDF (6 pages)
  • 14
    BONUS SECTION 3 - Power of the Subconscous Mind
    • The Power of the Subconscious Mind - PDF - (3 pages)
  • 15
    BONUS SECTION 4 - Self Empowerment Dowsing Exercise
    • Self Empowerment how to work with the PDF - Video (7.35)
    • Dowsing Self Empowerment - clearing old patterns - PDF (4 pages)
  • 16
    BONUS SECTION 5 - The Pendulum as a tool for uncovering truth
    • Commanding Discernment - using the pendulum to uncover truth PDF (2 pages)
  • 17
    BONUS SECTION 6 - Aligning the Assemblage Point
    • Aligning the Assemblage Point - How to guide using the pendulum - Video (4.52)
    • Assemblage Point PDF - (1 page)
  • 18
    BONUS SECTION 7 - How I edit videos using filmora
    • Quick Fun Bonus on how I edited videos for this course (4.03)
  • 19
    BONUS SECTION 8 - Empowering Self as Healer - clearing the witch wound
    • Empowering self as a healer - healing the witch wound PDF (3 pages)
  • 20
    Extra Resources
    • Blank Charts to use for creating your own pendulum charts- PDF's (16 pages)
  • 21
    Request a Certificate of Completion
  • 22
    Feedback & Comments Section
    • Feedback and Comments

Student Reviews

The course has had rave reviews so far and it comes with a private facebook group where we give healings and teachings on a daily basis. It is so much fun.

"Fantastic work Melissa, I'm loving the course, it's mind blowing really, you must be delighted."

"Hi Melissa, just completed your amazing course, for the second time! Thank you, thank you, Thank you I can't say enough good things about it."

"Melissa I'm learning so much you are one powerful teacher."

"Thank you Melissa, in these three years I've used so many commands but never one for happiness, my life has changed overnight".

"Your course is amazing, and blessed to have known you and received this wonderful gift."

"I'm so glad I signed up, this course is mind-blowing, I've been dowsing for several years but had no idea of the potential."

"My blocks have shifted since taking your class, really excited to see what comes next".

"I feel like a new woman, the negativity has gone as if by magic"

"You have achieved what you intended for your course, I'm just starting out but I see endless possibilities for health, wealth, business, dieting, earth healing, pollution, energy work, I might need to stop now or i'm gonna explode, i love it."

"OMG I'm loving this course and I'm whizzing through it",

"This course is the key to unlocking more love and light into your life and empowering ourselves to take back our power and energy, my journey has only just begun with the pendulum but my heart is filled with magic and wonder".

"I truely love what you do and you are one of the most magical and brilliant people I have ever met".

"I would highly recommend Melissa Tessaro’s - Pendulum Healing and Dowsing Course. I have known Melissa for a few years now and love that she thinks ‘outside the box’, when it comes to what we can achieve with our Pendulums. Even though I have been using my Pendulums for awhile now for healings, channelling, entity removals etc, I have learnt so much more by using and applying her methods from her courses. She is a true trail blazer."
Helen K - Australia

" This is a great course!! I am taking it and I am not a beginner and already I have learned so much I can't get over it!!
Best course ever with videos and downloads both and all the time you need to learn..."

"Teaming up with more amazing people! I thought after using a pendulum for so long that this would not be anything new. How wrong I was! Melissa has a totally new and different take on Pendulum Usage. She makes it light and effervescent, yet incredibly powerful. This is an excellent chance to get some beautifully crafted pendulums and get some solid knowledge on how to make it work to your advantage."

"Omg it’s awesome Melissa Tessaro not surprising all your work is." - P Sookun.

"I have finished the course, I really really didnt want it to end! Fantastic Melissa Tessaro. You are definitely one in a million & the Pendulum Master🌼 I just couldn't stop I was up until 2 last nite my folder is full and I was energized like crazy today. Last 3 hours going over. I couldn't stop but I was sad when I seen 90% 😥 knew it was coming to an end. You are a Master & that was a Master piece. Dont think I will sleep now 😂
I will be back starting it tomorrow. No stopping me when I have the books. Looking forward to more transformations 🙌 🌼 " - S Ledwith, energy healer.

Melissa Tessaro, thank you ❤️ I have just finished this amazing course and am blown away by you and the course itself. I wanted to learn more about how the pendulum could be used and that is exactly what I have learned plus so much more ! I am only just beginning with it, but already using the pendulum has helped me with all sorts of decisions and I have used it to set intentions and raise my energy levels. I know this is just the start of my journey with it, and I can see how it's going to help me is so many ways. The course you have created is so beautifully put together in terms of the visuals and the detail. You are a natural teacher and I thank you so much for teaching me.❤️" - O Jennings

A review for a healing in the private facebook group: "It was a brilliant reading Melissa Tessaro your talents and gifts are never ending ⭐️ "

"I REALLY like your teaching style, it's like you are a compilation of several different methods, with a big old dollop of giggles, all wrapped up in something adorable, infectious and light yet still powerful". - K Watts, seller of powerful handcrafted pendulums at https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/GypsyWyldeArt

"I am always thinking about the course because I'm weak at making commands and it's really helping me a lot."

"The energy of your course is awesome."

"Your course is really helping me a lot, thank you."

"Your course is wonderful, really, never a dull moment, so much of everything, videos and pdfs. I am amazed at how easy it is to learn, thank you Melissa." Patty O'Brien - seller of the Crystal Believer Pendulum's https://www.facebook.com/crystalbelievers/

"Every time I look at what Melissa has created I'm in awe, this is not your average coursebook, and it is oh so beautifully done." K Alleyne-Means"

"I am loving the course so far, not only have I programmed all my pendulums I've checked and all three have given me the same answers, I'm gobsmacked! I can't wait to keep reading and learning more. Whoo Hoo." - Student, Australia.

Reviews for my work in general: 

"Mel I knew you from the beginning, you evolved into the Master who can teach others and reap a fruitful harvest from your epic work, you go girl." N Bokman

"It's pioneering what you are doing Mel, you are an inspiration and it is amazing that you are pushing for something you are passionate about. You have totally opened my eyes to what we can do with a pendulum and taught me so much, I can't wait to work with you next year if I can keep up."

"I've used the pendulum for several years, mostly to gain insight in regards to the direction in my life, but Melissa has opened my eyes to the vast, unlimited possibilities of pendulum work. I am impressed with her generous sharing and down to earth nature." - M Chong.

"Melissa is such an inspiration to me and so many others. She is here to teach and enlighten us. I've gone from YES/NO dowsing with my pendulum to using it in all my Reiki healings. Melissa has given me the confidence to try new commands and heal whilst having fun." M Morris, Reiki Master.

"I'm truely grateful and blessed to have found you. You have expanded my knowledge and I've grown so much stronger. I don't usually post but felt compelled to let you know that you are loved and appreciated." L Marin.

"Thank you for sharing your knowledge in healing with us, you teach in fun and friendly ways. You are a blessing." L Massachussettes.

"Thank you Melissa for inspiring us with all the infinite possibilities we can have using our pendulums. You made it exciting and most of all fun." P Theokas-Winter.

"I started Mel's Pend. Dowsing course as a complete novice, with a very skeptic,yet with an open mind. In fact, I never believed in energy healing etc kinda work as it felt a bit 'woo woo' and surely never thought that I could do it myself! So it all started sheer out of curiosity, a bit of fun and 'lets see' kinda mindset, but I'm glad that I'm actually doing this course(haven't finished yet, half way through it), and its actually calming my nerves down, clearing negative thoughts,feelings from energetic/auric field right after using some of Mel's commands- I'm amazed how fast it's actually working to make me feel grounded, 'at peace', calmer right after each session backed by a clear intent.I highly recommend this course to anyone facing with any sort of anxiety, stress or in any negative state of mind due to job, relationship or whatever the reason might be. This course will surely teach you how to clear and brush-off those mental cobwebs. Thanks to Mel once again for putting this course together with copious amount of information. " - student

"Melissa! Thank you so much for your fab book! You are gifted! And you are such an amazing person. Thank you for the fab note it’s so inspiring and reassuring and it made me so emotional. Thank you so much for all your kindness and we have only just met! Your a fantastic teacher and I’m so lucky and blessed to have crossed paths! Thank you so much xxx "

"Thank you Melissa Tessaro and what a fantastic teacher you are💓💓 blessed to have crossed paths. Looking forward to the next one for sure💓 "

"I found Melissa's Pendulum Healing & Dowsing Course to be highly valuable. The course is packed with a wealth of very informative information and direction, delivered by both video and pdf form. Melissa shares her great depth of knowledge very generously. I would highly recommend taking this course." S Breakenridge.

Another testimonial for my teaching!

"Since i am doing your course deeply ( first i´ve read it, then i did the exercises, now i am doing it slowly again), i would LOVE to have EVERY books of yours, all laminated charts and watch ALL the videos. Melissa, let me confess: your work is FABULOUS! And, of course, you can take this my post to any place you want to post it as a testimonial. <3

"I have just started your course Melissa and just want to say a huge Thank you I am loving it. I have been using a pendulum for quite a few years now mainly to yes no check and to clear negative/discordant energies. Your course has opened up a whole new world. I have always really struggled with being grounded yesterday it was off the scale couldn’t get back in even with spending time In the woods which usually works. So I came home and did the grounding commands and it was instant it’s just amazing. I then went on to clear and burn a load of old stuff and I feel so positive today. Even got up to tune into the lunar eclipse and take part in the world wide activation. I spent time grounding and protecting again before. Afterwards I was able go back to sleep I just wouldn’t of been able to do that without this new pendulum magic. I am patiently awaiting my Stonehenge goddess so all very divinely timed. I love the content and how you have laid the content out and the little videos keep it really real as well as super-powered and fun. Thank you so much 💜 xxxx"  

"Melissa Tessaro - she’s a genius - so the whole course was on Thinkific and you went at your own pace and there were pdfs you could print out and then videos of Mel explaining and demo what you had to do along with so much extra stuff like commands and worksheets - I finished it quite quickly as I loved it so much and if you had any feedback that’s given at the end of the course and if you needed help that was given via the Facebook group 💓 it’s been life changing for me meeting Mel and learning about pendulum healing and I’ve been on this healing/self development journey for years."

",  I love it and feel it’s exactly what I have been looking for My healing sessions will be amplified and that is a gift to those coming Woohooo Thank you for your work "

"you're amazing... you will be on the international circuit speaking one of these days - your work is incredible. "

"amazing work and can I just thank you for sharing your knowledge. I have always used my Pendulum for years but never knew you could do so much as you do with it. You have put my faith back into my dowsing and further educated me! "




Pricing options

Medical Disclaimer

Pendulum dowsing and healing is not medicine, nor is it backed by scientific studies. 

The content on this website (written and otherwise), the products, audios, videos and the healing sessions themselves, do not deal with the medical or physical component of healing, they deal with the energy and information in the subtle energy body. “Healing” in this context means “Making Whole”.

The techniques, including the exercises charts, commands on this website and in the courses, books and any educational content including healing sessions, are not a substitute for medical care and consultation. The techniques described and used in this course  may or may not facilitate physical healing. They are supportive and integrative, and they may or may not complement medical care. They are not a medical treatment, diagnostic method or prevention method. Consult your physician for medical diagnosis and treatment.

Please use common sense. If you think you may have a health problem or mental health problem, consult a licensed health professional.

By signing up for any courses free or paid you assume all responsibility for outcomes or lack thereof, and you hold harmless Melissa Tessaro and Creating Conscious Change.

By using Creating Conscious Change and any courses or products, you are acknowledging that you understand and agree to this disclaimer, and that you take full responsibility for your own healing, health, decisions and actions.